World Class Information Security Education

Canada's First Information Risk Management & Cybersecurity Education Company

Why Informatica?

Since its inception in Toronto, Canada in 1989, Informatica Corporation has provided consulting and advisory services to Canadian companies. In the mid-90s, when security was in its infancy, Informatica began offering security education to clients that were starting to secure networks and workstations against increasing volumes of viruses and opportunistic criminals.

Expert-Led Training

Informatica's certified Risk Advisor™ consultants provide hundreds of annual seminars, custom training sessions and webinars to keep clients informed and aware of emerging security trends.

Security eLearning Pioneer

Over the decades, Informatica's 100+ online learning options have grown to include Professional Certification, live Webinars and training tools available nationwide.

Education Portal

Industry standards and legislative compliance remain a major driver of cybersecurity training in Canada. From our Verify Phish Testing to Employee Cyber Awareness programs, clients can manage training from their own Verify portal.